We have nothing to hide!
The following content will show you the possibilities of earnings or donation for the Organization we have chosen to support. Also you have an idea about the costs for such a project. As we sad, we have nothing to hide.
Possibilitiy of donation to specified Organization
*This will as soon as the cost of the project will be covered
*On the donation part you will see a grading of selling records. The possibilities are without a limit.
Selling Records
Our help beginns with the release of the album and stays for 2 years.
Normally an album is sold the most in the first 2 years after the release date. Therefore, we have decided to define a timeframe to minimize the subsequent expenses. It is also important for the supervisory to have an end. We reserve the right to hold CHF 5.00 for CD and CHF 8.00 for LP to finance postproduction.